As AGE gets closer and closer, you can’t help but get excited for all the new glass we are about to see! Year after year artists bring their best to AGE for stores across the country to get their customers the best glass in the industry.
The glass industry has seen crazy amounts of expansion in the last 2-3 years, and with that comes new artists that are going to change the game. We want to use today’s article as an opportunity to highlight two young guns we definitely think everyone should keep an eye on. We will also talk about one of your favorite glassblowers favorite glassblower who is making an epic return this year during AGE!

Patrick “Purpskurp” Lee
For the short time that he has been on the torch, Patrick has made leaps and bounds above the competition. He first caught my eye with his precise reticellos and clean shaping in late 2013/early 2014 while he lived in British Columbia. Towards the end of 2014 we saw him release some new designs as Patrick made the move back to Seattle. Being in Seattle around guys like Nate Dizz and Quave has had an amazing effect on his shaping and functionality reaching new levels.
One design I am very excited to see at AGE from Patrick is the “Skurpers”. I have had the pleasure of seeing a few of these in person and I have to say that the minimalism and function make them great daily drivers and very pleasing to the eye. It’s great to see an artist who understands that less is more; you don’t need to try and pack every technique you know into one piece. I hope everyone gets the chance to see his work in person ASAP!

Norman “Stormin Norman” Griswold
I learned about Norman through Patrick when he went back to Seattle and they started working together in the same space. Right away I knew these two would bond, not just through their interactions, but through their glass also. One thing Norman and Patrick both have in common is they have no fear to explore new shapes and functionality designs. I am constantly seeing small tweaks and changes to Norman’s designs, each one better than the last.
Norman has been a little more secretive about what is coming with him to AGE, but some previews have made their way to his Instagram. I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing any of Norman’s work in person, but if pictures are at all representative of the work I am excited to hold one in hand. One aspect of Norman’s work I Really appreciate is his ability to take a shape or technique that is well known, and give it his own little twist. Make sure you hunt this elusive dude down and ask him to see the heat!

Ease Glass a.k.a. Your Favorite Glassblowers Favorite Glassblower
AKA Quadruple certified OG. I usually ask new people I meet probing questions, questions to give me a slight idea of who I am dealing with. One of my tester questions is, “Between Ease and Kevin Nail, who does fume better?” Realistically, it’s a trick question because there is no right answer; I am just gauging their glass knowledge. If you have some glass history knowledge, you should know about the giant headies Ease was putting out before the idea of an oilrig was even a concept.
The end of 2014 saw a beautiful thing; Ease Glass joined Instagram and let us know he’s back on the torch full time. I for one cannot wait to see what some of the collaboration with Ease will look like, let alone his amazing solo work being adapted for today’s market. In the five weeks he’s been on Instagram, he has shown us some amazing new pieces! Anyone attending AGE make sure you go and check out Ease and Slinger in the Artist Arena!
To make sure you are staying up to date with everything these artists are doing make sure you follow them in Instagram!
@purpskurp710 – Purpskurp
@stormin__norman – Stormin Norman
@easeglass – Ease Glass
And make sure you are following us to stay up to date with new articles and AGE coverage! @masterlink.artconsulting